

import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

 * Stores a reference to the previously rendered value.
 * This can be used to execute dependency checks to compare whether a single
 * dependency has changed.
 * During the first render, `undefined` will be returned. Following renders will
 * return a value.
export const usePrevious = <T extends unknown>(value: T) => {
	const ref = useRef<T | undefined>();

	useEffect(() => {
		ref.current = value;
	}, [value]);

	return ref.current;


This hook can be really useful when you want to bail out of a useEffect early. Or if you have a useEffect with a few dependencies but you want to wait until a certain one has changed.

Technically, this hooks is kinda a "hack", I feel like it doesn't line up perfectly with React's data flow and programming model for hooks. I think in most cases there's a "better" way—something like flipping a flag based on the dependency that needs to update. But I've found myself reaching for usePrevious in most of medium-to-large applications I've built the last few years.

How it works

usePrevious starts of by setting up a useRef in the first render. This will initially be undefined (since in the first render there isn't a previous value).

Secondly, we set up a useEffect to sync that ref after each render cycle. useEffect runs after each render is committed to the screen, so in the next render cycle, you'll have the previous render cycle's value stored in ref.current


const Component = ({ query, filter }) => {
	const previousQuery = usePrevious(query);

	useEffect(() => {
		// If the query didn't change, bail out early
		if (query !== previousQuery) return;

		// Otherwise, continue fetching as usual.
		fetchData(query, filter);
	}, [query, previousQuery, filter]);

	// render data


import { renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-hooks';
import { usePrevious } from './usePrevious';

test('should return the value of the previous render', () => {
	let value = 1;
	const { result, rerender } = renderHook(() => usePrevious(value));
	value = 2;