Testing Animated Components in React Native


I came up upon this issue a couple weeks back and it's been bouncing around my head as food for a blog post since. I've always thought that the "write the blog post you wish you had" concept is great. The hard part is that after you're done solving difficult problems, you barely have any energy left to write the post!

Anyways, I've been working a fair amount in React Native the past few months. It's certainly been a learning experience since this is my first time delving into native development. In addition, something that I'm pretty passionate about is setting up a solid testing suite for whatever project I'm working on (that is, if it doesn't already have tests). I'm a firm believer that a well-written testing suite can save hours of time and thousands of dollars.

As a result I've been learning quite a bit about testing React Native apps with Jest. And recently I came up on an especially tricky test. I had this component that contained an animation—via React Native's Animated module. Internally, the component triggered some state changes along with some animations. While I can't share the actual component in this post, I do want to document how to manage these types of tricky tests.

In my unit test I wasn't trying to do anything too fancy. Render the component, fire some "onPress" events, and then run some assertions on how the component had changes. But the first time I ran my tests, I ended up with the following error:

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down.

When the test runs the state update, this triggers the animation inside the component. However, by the time that the animation runs, the test has already run all of its assertions and completed. So by the time the animation's callback triggers a setState, the component has already unmounted!

Why can't we just mock Animated?

As a first solution, I thought I might be able to get away with mocking out the entire Animated module from React Native. However, after some consideration I decided against this for a few reasons.

First off, the Animated module is decently complex, and coming up with a solid mock is not a small feat. It contains multiple animation components, functions to control timing and easing, and some of the APIs allow method chaining. When mocking it's important to have something that's API-compatible with the real module—or at least the parts that you're using. I found that my component was using a sizable portion of the Animated API, so it would take quite a bit of effort to mock it out. While not impossible, it's worth acknowledging that a mock wouldn't be simple.

However, that's not the only reason. Whenever you mock out a module you decrease the similarity that your code under test has to your code in the real world. There's a lot of opinions about this, for example this article on why mocking is a code smell. My preference is to lean more on the side of integration testing and less on mocking when it comes to testing software (especially for front-end apps). So, I wanted to actually use the Animated module to make sure that my tests were more accurate.

What I wanted is to mock something in the testing environment that allowed me to use the real Animated module without throwing the Jest error.

Why we can't only use jest.useFakeTimers

Jest ships with a tool exactly for testing these scenarios—jest.useFakeTimers. Using jest.useFakeTimers allows us to mock out time itself and how the test runner progresses through time.

So I figured I'd try it out. All you've got to do is call the function at the top of your test suite:

beforeEach(() => {

And then to advance the fake time, you can do something like this:

// inside a test
// move forward 500ms

Turns out this creates an entirely new error specific to only the testing environment. The error goes something like this:

Ran 100000 timers, and there are still more! Assuming we've hit an infinite recursion and bailing out...

Why do we get Ran 100000 timers, and there are still more!?

This error was even more cryptic to me and the first one! And when it came to finding out the answers, I had to spend a long time digging through StackOverflow posts and GitHub issues. Fortunately, I eventually stumbled on this StackOverflow answer.

Turns out, React creates a polyfilled version of requestAnimationFrame in order to run its animations. And that Reach Native's implementation of global.requestAnimationFrame uses setTimeout(fn, 0) under the hood. While this is all good in normal execution context (it just runs on the next tick of the runtime), when we're using useFakeTimers the setTimeout(fn, 0) spins off a bunch of new timers (1 per timeout) very quickly. This causes Jest to bail out because the stack gets too large and it thinks that you accidentally created an infinite recursion. Not good!

Time travelling (and StackOverflow) to save the day

In addition to finding out why I was getting this cryptic error, I also found a really nice solution on StackOverflow that I adapted to actually be able to test animations reliably—without extensive mocking of Animated.

This is only slightly adapted—personally, I don't like 100% copy-pasting code from StackOverflow. I find that when I take the time to rewrite the code in my own "words" I understand what's actually happening a bit better—even if it looks almost identical to the original code.

So let's see how we could implement a solution.

First, we need to mock out the requestAnimationFrame to not use setTimeout(fn, 0) under the hood. If we assume that we'll be using jest.useFakeTimers to actually move forward through time, setTimeout itself isn't the issue. The issue is useFakeTimers along with setTimeout(fn, 0). So what we can do is change the timeout that requestAnimationFrame uses under the hood.

// in a test setup file, or your test itself
const FRAME_TIME = 10;

global.requestAnimationFrame = (cb) => {
	setTimeout(cb, FRAME_TIME);

What this does is simulate a new frame every 10 milliseconds. You could put any number here, but the reason why I like 10 for the timeout amount is because it allows us to avoid mathematical gymnastics inside of our unit tests. For example, if we travel forward by 300ms, it's easy to mentally calculate that we'll advance by 30 frames.

Now that we've polyfilled requestAnimationFrame, the next order of business is to set up a timeTravel function. This makes sure that when we're travelling forward through time we do all of the things necessary so that React Native's animations run correctly in the test environment.

// timeTravel.js
import MockDate from 'mockdate';

const FRAME_TIME = 10;

const advanceOneFrame = () => {
	const now = Date.now();
	MockDate.set(new Date(now + FRAME_TIME));

const timeTravel = (msToAdvance = FRAME_TIME) => {
	const numberOfFramesToRun = msToAdvance / FRAME_TIME;
	let framesElapsed = 0;

	// Step through each of the frames until we've ran them all
	while (framesElapsed < numberOfFramesToRun) {

export default timeTravel;

It's worth noting that we do need this timeTravel function in addition to the requestAnimationFrame polyfill. The main reason has to do with the way that React Native's Animated module calculates elapsed time (and an animation's progress). Under the hood, it uses the current date (Date.now) to calculate how much time elapsed since the animation began.

As a result, we have to make sure that each frame we advance in timeTravel updates Date.now. In the advanceOneFrame function we take the current Date.now value and make sure that it advances forward by one "frame" (10ms). I'm using a library called MockDate which makes testing with dates an absolute breeze. In addition, we advance the Jest timers using jest.advanceTimersByTime. This makes sure that our Animation is calculated correctly and our setTimeouts get called without creating infinite recursion.

Then, in the timeTravel function we take a single argument—the amount of time to "move forward"—and use it to calculate how many frames this would be. After that it's a matter of wrapping our advanceOneFrame function inside a while loop. This makes sure we keep stepping forward one frame at a time until we've hit our msToAdvance number.

Lastly, we need to do a little bit of setup in order to use this function. I find it helpful to create a setupTimeTravel function that can be dropped into Jest's beforeEach whenever I make test utilities like this. Even though our setupTimeTravel function isn't too complex, it's useful since it keeps everything related to this utility contained to one place.

// timeTravel.js
export const setupTimeTravel = () => {

The first line of our setupTimeTravel function isn't 100% necessary, but it certainly helps. Because Animated relies on Date.now to calculate elapsed time, setting it to 0 makes it easier to reason about our animation logic later on. However, you could get by without it, so leave it out if you want to!

However, we do need to use jest.useFakeTimers in our setupTimeTravel function—if you leave this out the timeTravel function won't work!

Using our timeTravel function in a test

Now that we've got our brand new timeTravel function, let's see what it could look like in a test!

import { timeTravel, setupTimeTravel } from './path-to/timeTravel';


describe('<ComponentWithAnimation />', () => {
	test('works with animations', () => {
		// render the component
		// trigger some animation

		// this actually moves the timers forward
		// and simulates the frames over 500ms

		// run assertions on the animated state here


I thought that this issue with testing React Native Animations was especially interesting. As a result of my issues with testing this component I learned quite a bit about how React Native calculates animation duration as well as how the Jest environment was set up. When I was googling all over for that "Ran 100000 timers, and there are still more!" error, there wasn't too much to find, and if I had this blog post then it certainly would have been helpful! I hope that this was helpful to any of you reading along!

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