March 2022 Update


Trying something new ๐Ÿงช

I'm gonna try writing some of these smaller updates on a (hopefully) monthly basis. With new responsibilities (more on that coming soon!) I've found that I have less and less time to write here.

That said, I'm not gonna beat myself up if I miss an update. Sometimes life happens and the website won't be updated, and that's ok.

New family member ๐Ÿ‘ถ

Ian Johnson

On March 19 my wife and I welcomed Ian to our family! We love this little guy so much and have cherished each sleep-deprived moment since his arrival.

I've been on parental leave since, and am loving it. I'm incredibly grateful to Panther Labs for this time to bond with my family and adjust to my new job as Dad.

Miscellaneous updates ๐Ÿค“

  • Been playing with Remix quite a bit lately, and loving it. I'm especially fond of the focus on fundamentals and simplicity. It certainly feels like a breath of fresh air.

  • Just finished reading Kill it with Fire by Marianne Bellotti. I highly recommend it, especially if you work on any software that needs to live more than a couple months.

  • Per the above announcement, most of my energy has gone into learning my new role as Dad, and adjusting to life as a new parent ๐Ÿ’•