Dev-only routes in NextJS


I've found myself often wishing that NextJS had a way to optionally hide entire pages from the production builds.

For example, on this website I have a small design system—it helps me keeps things like colors, spacing, and border-radii consistent. I also have a single page containing all my components so that I can easily workshop and test them. However, that's a page that I don't see too much value in sharing with the entire world (yet)—it's just a dev tool for myself.

For a big-scale design system (like what you'd build at a company), you'd likely have a separate repository with something like Storybook, Playroom, or StyleGuidist set up. However, that can be a large amount of overhead to maintain—especially if you're a small team (or a single dev). Sometimes the size of the project doesn't justify having a separate repo of components.

NextJS doesn't have anything built-in that lets us optionally hide a page (to my knowledge), but we can use a couple of its page-creation APIs to achieve the exact same experience.


We can leverage NextJS' dynamic routes and getStaticPaths to optionally render routes based on environment variables. This is useful for things like website documentation and partially finished work.

What are the "specs"? 📝

Before we dive into the code, let's define exactly what we want to achieve. For me, it's a couple things:

  • Whether we enable the page should be adjustable with an environment variable. This fits in nicely with 12-factor app philosophy.

  • If the page is not enabled, its route should return a 404 response, as if the page never existed.

  • If the page is enabled, it should display the content normally.

Show me the code! 🙃

To leverage this approach, we'd need to place the following page code in a file within the pages directory. To properly leverage dynamic routing, we also need the filename to be encased in square brackets. For example, pages/docs/[component].jsx.

// pages/docs/[component].jsx

const DevOnlyPage = () => {
	return <div>test!</div>;

// Even though there isn't any "dynamic" data flowing into our page component
// we can leverage `getStaticPaths` to dynamically determine _which_ pages should
// be built.
export const getStaticPaths = () => {
	const paths = [];

	// If the environment variable is available, push some pages. This gives you
	// fine-grained control over whether or not pages are added.
	if (process.env.BUILD_DOCS === 'true') {
		// `component` lines up to the page name of [component].jsx
		paths.push({ params: { component: 'design-system' } });

	// If `paths` is empty, all paths at this route will return 404 responses, same
	// as if we never had the page at all.
	return {
		// This is important, using `fallback: false` means that all routes not
		// returned from this function return 404 responses.
		fallback: false

// Even though we're not dynamically getting any props, `getStaticPaths` doesn't
// work without `getStaticProps`.
export const getStaticProps = () => {
	return {
		props: {}

export default DevOnlyPage;


One of the big tradeoffs of this approach is that you have to use NextJS' dynamic routes and getStaticPaths. This potentially breaks away from NextJS' opinionated "every route is a page component" philosophy if you have multiple pages under a single route (i.e. /docs/design and docs/architecture).

If you have multiple dev-only pages on a parent route, you might need some lightweight conditional logic in your page component. You can return the page name from getStaticProps and use that to conditionally render each dev-only component.

One potential workaround (I haven't tried it yet) is using an optional catch-all route to do the dynamic routing. This might make multiple dev-only routes a little simpler.

Some potential use cases 🤔

Here's a couple cases where I think an approach like this could be useful:

  • Previewing your design system. This was the original use case that made me investigate this approach.

  • Partially finished work. For example, if you're building a new page that's gonna take a multiple PRs but you don't want to expose it. You can use this approach as a simple method of feature-flagging routes to keep them out of production.

  • This approach could be a nice way to host dev-only documentation (for example, ADRs) without exposing it in your production environments.

Thanks for reading! As always, feel free to let me know on Twitter if you enjoyed the article or submit a PR if you found a typo!